Sheela was in London early spring this year, involved in the new Sadler's Wells
production of the Mahabharata, directed by Stuart Wood with choreography by Gauri Sharma Tripathi and music by Nitin Sawhney. She led a morning Moving Breath session to prepare thedancers and actors for the strenuous rehearsals...
read more under Press >
interview in Yoga and Health,
June 07 issue
May in Israel
In May she returned to Israel as the main Guest teacher at the Kennis (annual gathering) of the Irgun Morei Yoga Teachers Association.

She also taught sessions in L.A.Y.(Lunar Artz Yoga), Parivartan (creative change in Yoga practice), and Moving Breath Core Series in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and En Hod. While in Israel she was invited by Yehudith Arnon, founder of the KCDC (Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company) Gaaton, and Einav Levy, now director of the Workshop (professional school for contemporary dance), to share Moving Breath techniques with the students. This led to a connection with Jutta Czurda, who conceived and is the Artistic Director of the project Mayim Mayim in Fuerth.
Sheela has been absorbed into the Mayim Team, and will gift a 3 minute dance solo danced by her protegeeNadeshwari Joythimayananda. She will also prepare the dancers and musicians for the rehearsals with the Moving Breath techniques.
read more > Mayim Mayim
Dancing in Genova
Late June Sheela joined Friedrich Glorian of innerSounds as artistic director for his Dance Music project Hands Dance Feet, performed at the Festival Musicale del Mediterraneo
in Genova, Italy, co-choreographing with the 2 dancers and creating the frame for the dancers and musicians.
read more > HandsDanceFeet
Yoga in Italy
Mid July Sheela led a Pranayama Dharana Shivir, 3 day intensive at Gabriella Cella's Surya Chandra Ashram in Bettola, Italy. Martha Belforte assisted her for this seminar.
read guestbook
for feedback on this gathering.
Yoga and Education
Late July Sheela was in Evian, France as guest teacher for the RYE (Research for Yoga in Education) International Seminar. Participants from all over the world joined her afternoon workshop in Moving Breath techniques with an emphasis on Rhythm, Movement Improvisation and Indian Dance. She was assisted by Francoise Simeon.
read feedback from participants in >
Dance and Sing my City
Early August, the 2 young dancers from the Hands Dance Feet project, Pauline Reibell and Denny Fiorino and also Nadeshwari Joythimayananda joined Sheela in her home in Ulm for a weeks intensive in MB techniques with an emphasis on Yoga, Dance and Voice. This led to the creation of the Danza Vitalis concept as well as the iCAN World initiative.
More about this coming soon...
While in Ulm we organized a spontaneous event "Dance and Sing my City", on market day in Ulm. Media artists Katrin Jedon
and Jens Doering
and photographer Nikolaus Schoelzel
participated in this project which linked to 3 of the friendliest stores in Ulm: Photo Frenzel, Muensterplatz, Bombay Store (Mr.Kapoor) Hafenbad, and Argo
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